Hand Washing with Dr. Ron Blanton Transcript
We just spoke of the use of hand sanitizer. If you have it, if you can find it, if you’re away from home, but now, we’re going to talk about where hand hygiene or hand cleaning really happens. That’s at a sink with soap and water. Soap and water are in fact more effective than the use of hand sanitizer because it will get rid of many more kinds of germs. Sometimes the hand sanitizer makes your hands feel gummy and it’s almost a relief to come to some soap and water to be able to wash that off. What we need to do is, some of the things are similar, is wet our hands all over and soap them well. Make sure to get the back of your hands, all the way up to your wrists, between your fingers, scrub your thumbs, and keep rubbing and washing for about 20 seconds. You can sing happy birthday twice. Next, it is important to rinse well. While the soap lifts the germs and dirt from our skin, rinsing well carries all of that away. Dry your hands and you’re all set. You want to wash your hands many times a day. Wash your hands whenever you come in from the street. You want to wash your hands when you’ve touched surfaces a lot of other people have touched like door handles, refrigerator handles, desks, and tabletop surfaces. So wash your hands a lot.
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